How to Select Shallots
- Select shallots that are firm and heavy for their size.
- Select shallot size based on your taste preference: smaller shallots will have a milder taste while larger shallots will taste more similar to onion and garlic.
- Avoid shallots that have soft spots or noticeable bruising.
- Avoid shallots that are sprouting. They are safe to eat but indicate they are aging and are more bitter.
How to Store Shallots
How To Store Shallots:ย Store shallots in a cool, dark place. To ensure they get enough airflow, shallots can be stored in a hanging mesh fruit basket or in a pair of pantyhose knotted and hung from the ceiling. When stored properly, shallots can last up to two months.
How To Freeze Shallots:ย Peel and then chop or dice shallots before freezing. Do not freeze shallots whole. Place chopped shallots in a freezer bag and freeze for up to 10 months.