There’s a Produce Mom in All of Us: Meet Gina Nucci

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Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Produce Moms!

I always say “There’s A Produce Mom in All of Us”, so this Mother’s Day Weekend, I want to introduce you to a woman who has played a big part in my journey as a fresh produce industry professional.  Her name is Gina Nucci.  She is a mom, a 3rd generation family farmer, and Director of Foodservice Marketing at Mann Packing.  Gina is widely respected in the industry, yet at the end of the day… she’s just like you & I.  That invisible thread of motherhood & the desire to give our children the best connects us all ๐Ÿ™‚

Please enjoy this special Mother’s Day edition… Meet Gina Nucci!

Why I love Gina:

1) Gina was the first executive in the Fresh Produce industry to introduce herself to me in 2013 at BlogHer Food.

Gina Nucci & Lori Taylor at BlogHer Food Austin 2013
Gina Nucci & Lori Taylor at BlogHer Food Austin 2013

2) In late 2013, Gina gave me 1 hour of her time to learn more about how her company could benefit from partnership with The Produce Mom.  During this conversation, she told me that I was doing great work for our industry and that she admired my passion.  A simple affirmation, but words I will never forget.  It’s a true honor to have her support & faith in my work.

3) At a recent industry-wide conference, I walked into the general session alone.  There are over 1000 people in this session & most have co-workers with them or reserved company tables.  The seating for individuals is always a frenzy.  Gina saw me & invited me to sit by her.

4) When I see Gina, she asks me how my family is doing.

5)  She educates me & countless consumers on how to use Mann’s products with kitchen segments on Mann’s YouTube Channel.

6)  And she has a great sense of humor.

5 Questions with Gina Nucci

1.  What is your Favorite Fruit or Veggie?

Manns-Power-Blend-300x370-e1430956593604  It changes… right now it’s Mann’s PowerBlend Superfood Slaw… but the everyday favorite is always Broccoliniยฎ!

2.  How did you discover your Favorite?

We test all new products internally so with that comes lots of eating our yummy new veggie blends.  And Broccolini was the first thing I worked on at Mann Packing 18 years ago… I was the Broccolini Brand Manager.  I slept, dreamed, breathed Broccolini for 2 years… hence my nickname & twitter handle: @GinaBroccolini

3.  How did you introduce your favorite to your son, Charlie?Broccolini

We always have veggies & fruit at both lunch and dinner.  Broccolini is his favorite.  We blanch it and hold it for a few days in the fridge.  We serve it both cold & warm.  Charlie likes it both ways and he loves to “eat it like trees.”

4.  How does being a mom inspire your career & professional life?

Before Charlie, I was an Auntie to 5 nephews and a niece… so I spent a lot of time with ALL of them!  Babysitting or taking them on adventures – the stuff Aunts love to do.  So kids have always been a huge part of my life, even if they weren’t mine.

A big part of my job is product development – I am always focused on how our products can make a mom’s life easier.  At Mann’s, we are moms marketing to moms.  Quick, fresh, easy products are super important.  I am very proud of what I do everyday – I enjoy discovering new ways to make vegetables convenient choices for busy households like mine.

It absolutely warms my heart when Charlie points to a piece of green leaf on a burger & says “Mama!”  (Yes, he believes we grow everything).  I’ve recently taken a step back from work travel – I want to be home with my family.  I also leave the office on time so I can be home for dinner.  I’m a better contributor to Mann’s because of it.

5.  What is the 1 thing you want to tell other Moms this Mother’s Day Weekend?

Just be present in each & every moment you have with your children.  Go have fun!  Go swimming with them… play in the sand with them… get down on your knees… get dirty… wrestle.  Remember to get in the picture with them.

"Remember to get in the picture with your children." - Gina Nucci
“Remember to get in the picture with your children.” – Gina Nucci

I think of Gina whenever I eat Broccolini. She taught me that it’s only Broccolini if it’s grown by Mann’s. Yes, I’m that person at the restaurant who asks to see the Mann Packing tag when Broccolini is on the menu ๐Ÿ˜‰

U might be a Produce Mom if u ask the server to provide u with the Mann Packing tag for the Broccolini that’s on the…

Posted by The Produce Mom on Monday, March 17, 2014


Thank you, Gina, for sharing your heart with us today!  You are a true Produce Mom, my friend!

There’s a Produce Mom in me… There’s a Produce Mom in you… There’s a Produce Mom in ALL of us!

Happy Mother’s Day,

xoxo The Produce Mom

About Lori

Lori Taylor is the Founder & CEO of The Produce Moms. For ten years she sold fresh produce to over 300 grocery stores throughout the United States, and today she is fully focused on working with the produce supply chain, media, and government to increase fresh produce access & consumption in the US and around the globe. Connect with Lori on LinkedIn.

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