Farm To Fork Activities

Cover Page for Farm to Fork Activities with an open page to one of the activity sheets

Tanimura & Antle wants their customers and consumers to know the value that is placed in their standards. Every step of the process from soil to shipping has high standards that must be achieved to provide their premium fresh produce. This part of their mission today is something that will be shrewd with the growers and consumers of tomorrow!

Tanimura & Antle and The Produce Moms have joined together to share some insightย with our children on what it takes for a produce company to provide the very best fresh produce. By offering children education on agriculture, we can encourage them to eat healthy produce while learning what goes into growing it and how to incorporate high quality and responsible standards and practices every step of the way.

We have assembled an eBook full of fun activity sheets that are perfect for learning at home or in any educational setting. Today’s children are prepping for the world of tomorrow. Whether they are future growers or consumers, these activity sheets are designed to help familiarize them with modern agriculture and understand where their food comes from. Adults will be something new, too!

The best part is that this eBook is a FREE downloadable PDF!