How Mushrooms Become High in Vitamin D 

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Vitamin D is a highly impactful nutrient for people of all ages— and, boy, has it earned its incredible reputation.

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Today, we’re here to explain why only certain fungi contain this coveted vitamin while others don’t, so that you can shop smarter.

There’s a huge lack of vitamin D in produce aisles. In fact, mushrooms are the only significant source of vitamin D in the produce department.

But not all mushrooms contain vitamin D, only those that were exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet prior to packing.

The Importance of Ultraviolet Sunlight

Even when grown in lit conditions, not just any form of light will cause mushroom tissue to produce vitamin D.

Only certain growers— such as Monterey Mushrooms— utilize the power of ultraviolet light, therefore, producing vitamin D-rich mushrooms.

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